Kingfisher Class
Spring Term 2025
This weeks spellings are further down the web page, in the Homework section.
Year 2 Staff
Mrs E Kitson (M,T,W) Mrs K Holt (TH, F)
Mrs R Milam - (Everyday Support work)
Mrs Randall, Mrs Edgar and Miss Balkwill ( Support throughout the week)
Our PE days will be MONDAYS and FRIDAYS.
Please ensure PE kits are in school every day as the children will change at school.
Earrings must not be worn for PE lessons. Thank you!
Curriculum meeting : Monday 16th Septemeber
Thank you for attending the Curriculum meeting for Year 2. It was lovely to see you all again. I hope that it was informative and built a good picture of the year ahead.
Below is a list of the documents that have been handed out in your child's book bag which will help throughout the term and year. I have also included the letter which was also handed out.
If you wish for paper copies of these, please do not hesitate to ask and I will send these home with your child.
Dates for your diary:
- Friday 14th February - Valentine's Cake Bake
- Monday 17th - Friday 21st February - HALF TERM
- Monday 24th February - INSET day
- Tuesday 25th February - Back to school
- Wednesday 26th February - Year 2 trip to Birdworld
- Monday 3rd - Friday 7th March - Book Week
- Wednesday 12th March - Year 2 class assembly
- Friday 4th April - End of Term - 2pm
A few reminders:
- Usual uniform please!
- Have PE kits in school every day ready to change for PE on MONDAYS and FRIDAYS.
- The Atrium doors open at 8.25am for drop off.
- Collection from the classroom fire exit door at 2.55pm.
- All children are entitled to universal free school meals - please book them online or contact the office for help.
If there are any questions please do get in contact with us through the office.
Mrs Kitson and Mrs Holt
Daily Checklist:
- School Jumper/cardigan
- Coat
- Water bottle
- Hat
- Gloves
- Reading book and diary
PE Days: Mondays and Fridays
PE kits should be in school for the half term (including joggers and fleece). No earrings to be worn on PE days please.
Please revise the words that will be sent home each week. These link to the Little Wandle phonics and spelling lessons that the children have taken part in during the week. The children will be tested on the words each week. Some children will have some mystery words, that follow the same patterns, in addition to the words they bring home. Please see the complete list of spellings in the document download area below.
My Maths
My maths logins to follow -- maths homework is about place value and wlll be given out to children on Tuesday 17th September. This will be due in Monday 23rd September.
Some children are working through Little Wandle phonics and will read books to reinforce the phonics teaching. They will read the book several times at school and then bring it home to read fluently and to discuss the text with you. The children will have a library book that they can also read at home. Children who have completed the phonics programme will bring home an Accelerated Reader book.
Please download the documents below for further information, including our Recommended Reading Lists:
Useful websites for additional home learning:
We have listed some websites below which you may find useful to use at home. - this website has lots of imaginative inference and writing activities all around a different picture of each day. - this website is a go-to for most teachers on a weekly basis, so it will definitely help you immensely at home. - this is a wonderful website to inspire curiosity with an interesting question of the day. Great for developing reading skills! - great for any Minecraft lovers, this website allows you to practise your computing coding skills. the BBC Bitesize website has many age-appropriate activities and interactive learning games to play. Your child can access Bug Club reading activities and some maths games on Active Learn. Each child's user name can be found in their Reading Record/on yellow card and the password is ppp. School Code is wcvy.
Our Values We will continue to look at our four key values: Respect, Resilience, Empathy and Reflection. Through Class Worship, assemblies and cross-curricular lessons, our values will be embedded into all aspects of our day-to-day learning, helping us to become the best that we can be. |
Our Golden Rules We take care We take pride We have respect |
The adults in Kingfisher class this term will be: Mrs Kitson (Class Teacher - Mondays - Wednesdays) Mrs Holt (Class Teacher -Thursdays and Fridays) Mrs Milam (Class Teaching Assistant - every day) Mrs Randall, Mrs Edgar and Miss Balkwill |