School Dinners
Innovate is proud to be the Catering Services Provider at Kingfield Primary School
The Innovate website allows you to order lunches for your child for them to have at school. You can choose weekly, half termly or termly. Choices must be made and paid for at least a week in advance.
Click here or on the logo at the top of the page to go to their website, to register on the system and to order school lunches.
Children who stay all day in nursery eat lunch in the dining hall with the nursery lunchtime staff. Lunch costs £2.00 per day and lunches must be ordered and paid for online on Innovate website.
Reception, Year 1 and 2
All children in Year R, 1 and 2 are entitled to universal free school meals, which means these children are provided with a free, school lunch every day. Parents still order the lunch online on Innovate website and can choose the daily meal for their child .
Dietary needs are met by Innovate and for specific needs we invite parents in to discuss this.
Years 3-6
Children in key stage 2 may choose to have a school dinner. If you receive benefits such as income support, please come to the office to check if you are entitled to free school meals. The current cost for a school lunch is £2.41 per day. Parents order and pay for the lunch online on Innovate website and can choose the daily meal with their child.
Alternatively, children in key stage 2 can opt to bring a packed lunch to school. We have a School Food Policy which has details of what children are allowed to have in their lunch boxes. Please note we are a nut-free school and no nuts (or sesame seeds), or products containing them, must be brought onto the school premises at any time. For children in key stage 2 school lunch requirements need to be advised on a half-termly basis.
The school food policy can be found on the policies tab of school information.