Pupil Premium
At Kingfield we believe that every child should “be the best they can be” and have high aspirations and ambitions for our children. Children will reach their potential if they are individually known, valued and supported in their wellbeing and academically in their learning. Our school values of Respect, Resilience, Empathy and Reflection underpin all that we do to support every child in achieving success during their time at Kingfield. Whatever a child’s starting point, however many challenges they have already or continue to face in life, we are wholeheartedly committed to enabling them to develop the necessary skills and values to succeed as well-rounded and academically successful individuals. In addition to this, we aim to provide them with access to a variety of exciting opportunities and a rich and varied curriculum. What is the PPG?The PPG is awarded with the sole purpose of:
The PPG is a school-based grant to raise the attainment of all disadvantaged students and hence is not regarded or used as a personal budget. Students are considered disadvantaged as a result of them either:
Headteachers and school governing bodies are accountable for the impact of pupil premium funding in the following ways:
We track the achievement of every child at Kingfield Primary School, we measure the attainment but also the progress of each child. This tracking ensures that we identify any child who is not making expected progress and plan appropriate strategies to support them. We are continually assessing the progress of children in receipt of pupil premium funding, the use of our pupil premium funding and the impact it has.
Our Objectives in spending the Pupil Premium Grant:
- To remove barriers to learning.
- To accelerate pupil progress and raise attainment
- To support social and emotional development that enables children to learn.
- To broaden experiences and widen opportunities for children.
The barriers and challenges disadvantaged pupils face at Kingfield are complex and varied – there is no single difficulty faced by all. A key barrier for a minority of children is that of attendance – children need to be in school, ready to learn for any other approaches to make a difference. Other barriers to learning, for which we use our funding to tackle, are that of SEN, EAL or issues within the family, which are supported by our home school link worker.
For this reason, significant amounts of our funding are used to fund our home school link worker, intervention teachers and intervention support staff. Our strategy is reviewed annually based on the impact of the previous year's plan. More information on the barriers faced by our pupils can be found in the document at the bottom of the page.
Strategy for using the funding
Increasing the rate of progress and overall achievement for targeted children through:
- Focus on learning in the curriculum.
- Focus on social, emotional and behaviour.
- Focus on enrichment beyond the curriculum.
- Focus on families.
Our strategy will next be reviewed at the end of the academic year, although tracking is in place to constantly monitor and track the success of our interventions. We will look at the end of key stage statutory data as well as analysis of the progress of children in the classes which are not reported on in this way in order to form the strategy for the next academic year.
For anymore information about our Pupil Premium spending please contact Mrs Whittington through the school office.
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024-2025
Pupil premium strategy statement 2023-24
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2022-2023
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2021- 2022
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2019-2020
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2018-2019
For more information on the Pupil Premium, please visit:http://www.education.gov.uk/schools/pupilsupport/premium